Russia Day – Ambassador’s speech

On the occasion of Russia Day, a reception was held at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Budapest. Ambassador Yevgeny Arnoldovich Stanyislavov gave the following speech to the gathering

Distinguished Guests, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends!

I am pleased to welcome you on the occasion of our state holiday – Russia Day. This day citizens of the multinational Russian state are united by love for their Motherland and pride in its great destiny. Today Russian citizens as well as our compatriots abroad feel part of a great power with an extremely rich history and unique cultural heritage.

Despite all the hardships our country used to face, Russian people have always achieved high results in various areas: from art and sport, science and social endeavours to economy and military affairs. These victories encourage us to look up to our great ancestors, whose service for the benefit of the Homeland and whose unity in the face of common challenges became the key to Russia’s progressive development.

Currently, despite the all-out hybrid war that was unleashed by the West against us, Russia continues to strengthen its financial, technological and workforce sovereignty; we continue to enhance our defence and economic capabilities as well as create favourable conditions for people’s lives and the country’s development. Consequently, all the attempts by the ‘collective West’, which triggered the conflict in Ukraine, to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia, destabilise it from within and dismember it into pieces are doomed to failure. We have taken on this challenge and we are successfully dealing with it.

In the international arena, we consistently advocate a multipolar world order, which reflects cultural and civilizational diversity of the world and accommodates the interests of all nations, regardless of the form of government, political order
or social and economic system. This democratisation of international relations meets the interests of the global majority, while the controversial, so-called ‘rules-based order’ – which is effectively neocolonial – seeks to preserve the eroding dominance of a small group of the Western countries. The transition to a new world order will take a long historical period, and this shift will not be an easy one.

The attempt to isolate Russia internationally has failed. We have many like-minded friends who pursue an independent policy that meets their national interests and build equality-based relations with partners. Despite sanctions pressure exerted by Washington and Brussels, relations between Russia and Hungary are characterized nowadays by mutual respect, pragmatism and willingness to move towards each other in areas where it is possible. I am convinced it is exactly on this principle that relations between countries should be based in the current critical times.

Dear friends! I would like to conclude by sincerely thanking all of you who came to the Russian Embassy to share today’s celebration with us and our compatriots. You are our true and reliable friends, so allow me to congratulate all those present here on the holiday, Russia Day!

12 June 2024
